Daily attendance is the initial step
in achieving academic success. Regular and punctual attendance is
expected of each student enrolled in the district. Parents are expected
to notify the school if their child is absent. The attendance hotline
can be called 24 hours a day, (314) 467-5510. Parents should sign their
child in at the office when they arrive at school late. Your school day
will be 8:50 a.m.- 3:35 p.m. No child should be dropped off before 8:40
If it is not possible for you to schedule your child’s
doctor/dental appointments around school hours, you MUST come to the
office to sign out your child. Teachers will not release your child from
the classroom.
Once a week low
balance letters will be sent home so you can monitor the balance of your
child’s lunch account. If there is a + by the amount, that is what they
have at this time. If there is a – by the amount, that means they are
in the negative and need money put into their account. Any amount $5.00
and under will be printed and sent home weekly. If you do not want a
weekly letter, please send a note requesting that we do not send a
notice and make sure to include your child’s name and teacher on the
note. If there is a zero balance, a cheese sandwich and white milk will
be provided for lunch and toast and white milk will be given at
breakfast. A full lunch is a main entrée, and two or three sides. Milk
is counted as one of the sides. Snacks can only be purchased using a
lunch account. No cash transactions will be taken at the register.
Students may only go through the line once. If a child is purchasing a
lunch and would like a snack, they must purchase the snack at the same
time. When sending prepayment, please write the child’s first and last
name on the check or envelope so that the deposit gets put into the
correct account. If you have any questions, please call Kathy Haley,
Cafeteria Manager, at 467-5550.
Care of Textbooks, Library Books, Etc.
are responsible for all textbooks and library books issued to them
during the school year. All lost or damaged books must be paid for
promptly. If a lost book is found, money paid will be refunded.
Fire/Life Safety Drills
Safety drills are necessary for the safety of the student, staff, and
faculty. Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a
point of safety from those areas of the school building in which he or
she may be. Specific information on such drills is posted in each room.
child’s teacher will be sending home a Health Information Form for you
to complete. Having this information returned promptly and correctly is
of UTMOST importance. A record of this information is kept in the school
health room in case you need to be contacted. Please make sure all
telephone numbers and addresses are accurate and clearly written.
Remember to put the name and telephone number of persons who can be
contacted in case you cannot be reached. Please notify the school if you
change address or telephone numbers during the year. It is very
important that our records are kept up-to-date.
Only medication
which has been prescribed by a physician will be administered at school.
Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately and
currently labeled by the pharmacy or physician, with instructions for
Public School Choice
Under the
Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), this option is
available to all parents whose child attends a Title I school in School
Improvement the first year and every year the building is in School
Improvement status.
Click here for more information on Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services (SES).
Click here for the Public School Choice Request Form.